
The story of Anne Bonny & Mary Read

On November 15th 1720 Anne Bonny, Mary Read, and Calico Jack were captured by Capt. Jonathan Barnet and brought to Spanish Town, Jamaica, for trial!

Two Women Pirates!

Anne Bonny and Mary Read were two amazingly successful women pirates, which is amazing, as at that time it was a hanging offence to even bring a woman or child aboard a pirate ship.

They were fearless and were expert in the use of the boarding axe, cutlass and pistol.

Together they truly were two perfect pirates.

Anne Bonnie

Anne wandered into the arms of a pirate known as ‘Calico Jack’, who persuaded her to join him in a life as a pirate. As women at that time were thought to be bad luck on a ship, Calico Jack smuggled her aboard his ship

Mary Read

Mary Read after an eventful life on the seas dressed as a boy was with a powerful pirate called Captain Vane who captured a rich ship from London called The Kingston. Vane then decided to hand over the captaincy of this ship to another pirate, Calico Jack.

This was a mistake, Rackham instigated a mutiny and cast Vane and his followers adrift at sea. Mary who had fought bravely became Calico Jack’s Lieutenant, but he still thought her a man.

Calico Jack

John Rackham was nicknamed ‘Calico Jack’ because of the sailcloth calico breeches and coat he regularly wore. A handsome man with a thirst for life, money and adventure. His four-year career as a famous pirate was ended in November that year when he was hanged at Gallows Point in Port Royal.

Then …

Anne fancied Mary,!

Then to her surprise found she was a woman and got her to reveal her secret to Calico Jack. Calico Jack then continued to terrorise the Caribbean with his two brave pirates, Anne and Mary.

The End!

 Trouble was brewing, New Providence Governor Woodes Rogers, instructed Captain Barnet, to find Calico Jack. He caught up with Calico Jack’s ship and after a heavy bombardment Calico Jack and his men disappeared below decks to get drunk. Anne and Mary, who were totally outnumbered, bravely faced the boarding party alone.

Expertly wielding heavy boarding axes. Anne is reported to have shouted to the men:-

“If there be a man among ye, ye’ll come out and fight like the men ye are meant to be”.

What happened to them?

Calico Jack, Anne, Mary and the crew of ‘The Revenge’ were put in irons and taken to Jamaica where Calico Jack was hanged.

Anne and Mary were found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, but their executions were stayed because, Anne and Mary both claimed to be “quick with child” (known as “pleading the Belly”) and received temporary stays of execution. and, in those days, you couldn’t hang a pregnant lady!

Unfortunately, in April 1721 Mary Read died in prison of a violent fever, but Bonny was eventually freed but we don’t know what happened to her.

Charles Johnson wrote in ‘A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates’, published in 1724:

“She was continued in Prison, to the Time of her lying in, and afterward reprieved from Time to Time; but what is become of her since we cannot tell; only this we know, that she was not executed’.

The Front page of the musical The Perfect Pirates front page

The Musical

To help your students our sister site Educational Musicals have published  The Perfect Pirates – The Story of Anne Bonny and Mary Read a fantastic musical created especially for children with 12 incredible songs just go to   The Perfect Pirates – The Story of Anne Bonny and Mary Read  where you can hear two songs and two pages of script from the show.


Isn’t history fun?


10 questions to discuss:

      1. How did Anne Bonny and Mary Read become involved in piracy despite societal norms against women on pirate ships?
      2. What were some of the weapons Anne Bonny and Mary Read were skilled in using during their piracy exploits?
      3. What were the circumstances that led to Calico Jack’s capture by Captain Jonathan Barnet?
      4. How did Anne Bonny and Mary Read reveal their true genders to Calico Jack?
      5. What was the fate of Calico Jack after his capture in Jamaica?
      6. How did Anne Bonny and Mary Read escape immediate execution after being sentenced to hang?
      7. What was the significance of Anne and Mary claiming to be “quick with child” to avoid execution?
      8. How did Mary Read meet her end, according to historical accounts?
      9. What happened to Anne Bonny after her temporary reprieve from execution?
      10. According to Charles Johnson’s account, what is the fate of Anne Bonny after her release from prison?

To Learn more:

© Tony Dalton