
The story of the Monster in the Maze

Theseus ready for battle with sword and shield

The Greek myth of the Minotaur inspires the story of Monster in the Maze. Theseus goes into a Maze and finds his way out, but how?

Theseus was the son of Aegeus, the King of Athens, who went to Crete where King Minus, rumoured to be a son of the Greek god Zeus, had a Minotaur who lived in the maze of caves underneath King Minos’ palace. Theseus intended to kill the Minotaur because every ninth year, his father, Aegeus, as the result of a peace treaty, had to send seven boys and seven girls to be fed to the Minotaur.

On landing he was thrown into the maze. Fortunately, the King’s daughter, Ariadne, instantly falls in love with Theseus. She wanted him to get out and gave him a ball of string to unravel as he entered the maze, along with a sword to kill the Minotaur. Believe it or not, all this happened instantly. However, you must remember this is Greek Mythology and things like this kept occuring!

He made it to the centre, found the Minotaur, killed the monster, following the string, he found his way out of the maze, then he took the children safely back to Athens

Bring this story to life in your classroom

Using this story, Educational Musicals have created a unique classroom resource to allow your children to enjoy the story in school.

When you download our schools musical Monster Of The Maze – The Story of Theseus and the Minotaur  you get:

  • The show script along with the song words and all the stage directions.

  • Fact sheets, giving the facts behind the story and Greek life.

  • MP3 tracks of all the songs as backing tracks for a performance and rehearsal tracks, with the composer singing the songs.

Download today at Monster Of The Maze  – The Story of Theseus and the Minotaur at and then you can start rehearsing immediately.


Let’s make history fun!


10 questions to ask

  1. How did Theseus learn about the existence of the Minotaur?
  2. What motivated Theseus to venture into the labyrinth on Crete?
  3. Who was Aegeus, and what role did he play in the story of Theseus and the Minotaur?
  4. Describe the significance of the ball of string given to Theseus by Ariadne.
  5. Why did King Minos demand that Athens send youths to be sacrificed to the Minotaur every ninth year?
  6. What was the relationship between Theseus and Ariadne in the myth?
  7. How did Theseus manage to defeat the Minotaur?
  8. What did Theseus use to navigate through the labyrinth?
  9. What were the consequences of Theseus killing the Minotaur?
  10. After defeating the Minotaur, what did Theseus do with the children who were supposed to be sacrificed?


For more information go to:

©Tony Dalton