
Do you believe in the Afterlife?


The Egyptians did. To them it was very important, they believed in immortality!

This was because they believed that death was just an intermission to life, not an end, which is why they were so supportive and paid such reverence to the gods.

For this reason, on death they were mummified, to allow the body to breath!  Would you believe that they even place food and drink on a table outside the burial chamber to help the body through the afterlife.

There were three afterlife ideologies:

  • belief in an underworld,
  • eternal life
  • rebirth of the soul

It was believed that you could only go into “The underworld”, which was also called “The Duat”, through a single entrance that was only reached by journeying through the Tomb of the Deceased. The route to enter this realm led you after death down a corridor lined with an array of fascinating statues, including a variation of the hawk-headed god, Horus.

There were different paths for kings and common people, however, it followed the same path, which was:

  • After entry, your spirit met another god, Osiris.
  • Osiris determined the virtue of your soul.
  • If he deemed your deserving of a peaceful afterlife.  
  • You would be reborn indefinitely!
  • This meant that you had lived the correct life.
  • You were then guided to Osiris to be born again.

This explains why when they opened King Tutankhamun’s tomb, they found so many artifacts, al there to help him in the afterlife.

We have written a musical The Boy King – The Legend of Tutankhamun that you can  download from today and be rehearing as soon as you want.

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