
The Magic Tree


Author: Daniel Dalton – Music: Daniel Hewitt


A Story for Christmas


This fun Christmas musical takes two children, a magic Christmas Tree, two presents, a grumpy robot and a cool, dude bear, on a madcap journey back 700 years to a German forest. They meet St Boniface and his followers, learning how the tree


Click Here for the The Magic Tree Main Show Script Sample


What you get?

You get

A performance and video licence that is only valid while you continue subscribing.

The Script

With stage suggestions

Music Score

Full libretto score

 MP3 tracks

performance backing

 MP3 tracks

backing so your children learn the tunes

Art pack

Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials


Complete 50 minute show supplied ready to perform by 15 to 100 children Script (including stage directions) with Historical Fact Sheets and Art pack, MP3 file with Performance and Backing tracks, Libretto Music Score,  Performance and Video License – Photocopying License

Cast List

adition of the Christmas Tree began. The Magic Tree is an original telling of a traditional story.



Total Characters. 9 main parts, 4 pagans, 7 trees and chorus.

Paul Williams –                                 A modern-day schoolboy.

Claire Williams –                              A modern-day schoolgirl.

Christmas Tree –                              A magical Christmas tree.

CD-Ron –                                              A grumpy old robot.

Cool Bear –                                          A cool dude teddy bear.

St Boniface –                                       The legendary missionary.

Winifred –                                            St. Boniface’s friend.

Henry –                                                  St. Boniface’s friend.

Hugatree –                                            The Pagan leader.

Other Characters.

4 Pagan – 1 Oak Tree – 6 Conifer Trees

Chorus of action figures, dolls & assorted toys.

Music Samples

Music Samples

I’m Not a jealous Guy

Alive Again

