Who were the Egyptian Gods?

Egyptians worshipped hundreds of gods over long periods of time. Some gods changed over the years, while others were forgotten and then rediscovered. Sometimes animals represented gods. The Jackal, Anubis, was the Protector of the Dead. The God of Wisdom, Thoth, and the Moon God, Khonssu, were represented by a baboon. Here is just a […]
Who were the Ancient Egyptians?

Did you know who was the oldest ruling Pharaoh? Pepy II holds the record for the longest reign of any pharaoh. He came to the throne when six years old, and he was still the King of Egypt at the grand old age of 94. How many Gods did they worship? Egyptians worshipped hundreds of […]
Why the Valley of the Kings?
Before the Valley of the Kings Pharaohs were buried in the great pyramids at Giza, however, there was a problem. They kept getting robbed! Basically, pharaohs were buried in pyramids, with all their belongings. They became a tomb robbers dream. It appears that a pyramid was the wrong place to save valuables. As a result, […]
The Afterlife and the process of Mummification

Do you find this weird? The Ancient Egyptians believed in life after death, and their belief was that parts of them went to the Afterlife, in fact those parts that went into the Afterlife were: The Ka, Ancient Egyptian conception of the soul, which could bring the corpse back to life. The Ba, the spirit, […]
Howard Carter discovers Tutankhamun’s tomb

On November 4th 1922 Howard Carter discovered the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh King Tutankhamun. He had been employed by Lord Carnarvon since 1907 looking after the excavations of the tombs in Deir el-Bahri, near Thebes. Then in 1914, Lord Carnarvon received the concession to dig in the Valley of the Kings, and again he asked Howard Carter […]