History – British Values
British Values are so important to the world in which we live as they come from our history, which is why HISTORY is so important to our values
It is interesting to note that authoritarian governments don’t last as long as democratic ones, however, they tend to be replaced by even more totalitarian regimes. Why? Authoritarian systems have a structural weakness, which is that those opposing them are removed, they don’t go peacefully! The result is that there is no logical democratic regime to replace them, as they have all been eliminated or ……. | To vote or not to vote, that is the question? Once, I stood for the local council and lost by two votes! Then at the general election I knocking doors I lost count of the number of doors when I was told that they hadn’t voted at all, but they didn’t like the man who beat me. They didn’t think their vote would count but in my election it would have. Every vote counts as your vote ………. | Why do we We hear it all the time: politicians described as “Left” or “Right.” But have you ever wondered where those terms come from? It all goes back to the French Revolution, where political chaos reshaped not just France, but the language of politics forever. You see the revolution reorganized Le Chambre des Députés (the French parliament), with a fascinating seating arrangement that changed history. | At King Charles’ coronation he sat on the Stone of Scone. Why is this block of red sandstone so important? Since 840 it has been used for the coronation of the Kings and Queens of Scotland, then at the coronation of every monarch since Scotland joined England. There are doubts as to whether the stone is the right one, some claim that the monks at Scone Palace …..
| Why does history keep repeating itself? In 1812 Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia. A big mistake! Then, 120 odd years later Adolf Hitler did the same thing! With the same result. Why do seemingly intelligent people keep making the same mistake again and again? There are so many such examples of history repeating itself, if only we understood the mistakes of history, maybe ……….. |
Was this the Start of British Democracy? The Putney Debates Took place in 1647, and were a series of discussions over how to run the country should they, Parliament, win the civil war. Essentially, it discussed what they would do if they were in charge and there was no King. It was at these debates that the ordinary people, as opposed to the monarchy, established the idea that there should be votes for all, well … | Individual liberty | Respect for the rule of law |

IK Brunel – was he our greatest engineer?
He has been described as one of the most ingenious and prolific figures in engineering history, one of the 19th-century engineering giants. One of the greatest figures of the Industrial Revolution, a man who changed Victorian England with his designs and ingenious constructions, which we can still see today. Brunel
Who won the Battle of Britain?
Of course, the fighter pilots. But they couldn’t have won without an awful lot of support. For example, at the beginning of the Battle of Britain the RAF had around 1,960 aircraft at its disposal in July 1940, of this only 900 were fighter aircraft. They did have 560 bombers
The build up to the Battle of Hastings
At the start of 1066, England was ruled by King Edward the Confessor, he is remembered as the King who built Westminster Abbey in London. Edward ruled over England with the help of the Witan. It was made up of the top clergy in the country and acted as his
The Great Fire of London
Shortly after midnight on Saturday 1st September 1666, a fire went rogue in Thomas Farriner’s bakery in Pudding Lane in the City of London. Therefore, it means that the date recorded for its start was in fact September 2nd. It spread to nearby houses, nearby lanes, then due to the
Who was the Lady of the Mercians?
You will have heard of the Warrior Queen Boadicea but have you ever heard of Aethelflaed? She led her troops in the Battle of Tettenhall. You probably haven’t heard of that Battle, have you? Well, she was described as the Lady of the Mercians, who was the oldest daughter