


Author: Daniel Dalton – Music: Daniel Hewitt


1066 – The Battle of Hastings


The Battle of Hastings in 1066 is probably the most famous event in English history. The battle changed the course of English history forever and signified the end of Saxon domination of England, and the start of the Norman era.

In 1066 King Edward died and King Harold was crowned as king. The problem was that Harold had promised William, Duke of Normandy, also known as William the Conqueror, the throne. Then there was the Viking, King Hadrada, who, with Harold’s brother Tostig, also felt he had a claim to the throne. Unfortunately for Harold they both invaded at the same time, so in a matter of days he had to fight two decisive battles that changed our history for ever.

Click here for the Battle of Hastings – 1066 Script Sample


Additional information


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What you get?

 You get

A performance and video licence that is only valid while you continue subscribing

The Script

With stage suggestions

Music Score

Full libretto score

 MP3 tracks

performance backing

 MP3 tracks

backing so your children learn the tunes

Art pack

Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials

Complete 50 minute show supplied ready to perform by 15 to 100 children Script (including stage directions) with Historical Fact Sheets and Art pack, MP3 files with Performance and Backing tracks, Libretto Music Score.

Cast List

Total Characters. 14 main parts, 2 small parts, and assorted soldiers and towns people (Numbers are flexible).

Main Parts.

 William –                                     Duke of Normandy

William FitzOsbern –               William’s steward

Robert Mortain –                        William’s half brother

Bishop Odo –                                 William’s half brother

King Edward –                              King of England

Queen Edith –                               Queen of England

Harold –                                          Future King of England

Emily Swansneck –                    Harold’s wife

Gryth –                                             Harold’s Brother

Leofrin –                                         Harold’s Brother

Tostig –                                            Harold’s Brother

Archbishop Stiguad –               Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop Ealdred –              Archbishop of York

King Hadrada –                         Viking King of Norway

Smaller Parts.

Saxon Messenger – Norman Messenger – Norman & Saxon Soldiers – Assorted Towns People

Music Samples

1066 Music Samples

Expel the Vikings

The Norman Army


I purchased your musical “1066” and excellent it is! I have performed three of your musicals
 ” Trojan Horse”, “Battle of Britain” and “Trafalgar – Nelson’s Finest Hour”.
KS2 Co-ordinator, Nunnery Wood Primary School