
Jack & The Big Stork



A Potty Panto

Young Jack is a useless farmer and an awful singer. His long suffering mother finally has enough when he ruins the harvest, threatening both their farm and their village with starvation. As a last resort and to the consternation of both Jack’s sister and his girlfriend, Mary Milkmaid, she sends him to town to sell their trusty, milk cow, Esmeralda, at the market.

At the market Jack meets the evil Witch Watt who dupes him into parting with Esmeralda for a strange, egg shaped, magic bean.

This magic bean is not a beanstalk; no its something far more “Potty”!

Click Here for Sample Script

Additional information


Digital Download, Physical Hardcopy

What you get?

You get

A performance and video licence that is only valid while you continue subscribing.

The Script

With stage suggestions

Music Score

Full libretto score

 MP3 tracks

performance backing

 MP3 tracks

backing so your children learn the tunes

Art pack

Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials

Made up of: Main Show Script with Historical Fact Sheets and Art pack – MP3 files with Performance and Backing racks – Libretto Music Score – Performance and Video License – Photocopying License

Cast List


Jack –                                  A  Young Boy

Dame Trot – (Dame).      Jack’s long suffering mother

Jill –                                    Jack’s sarcastic sister

The Big Stork –                 A Giant Man Eating Bird

Witch Watt –                   The Hungry witch

Mary Milkmaid –              the apple of Jack’s eye

Simon Silage –                 A yokel

Tania Turnip –                 Another yok;

Townsperson –                Easily startled townsperson

Esmeralda  –                    Pantomime Cow

Farmworkers – Market workers – Townsfolk

Music Samples

Jack & The Big Stork Music Samples

The Big Stalk

On the Farm



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