
The Trojan Horse


Author: Daniel Dalton – Music: Daniel Hewitt


The Fall of Troy

About the Trojan War showing how Zeus, the King of the Gods, Hera, his Queen, and his two daughters, Aphrodite, the God of Love, and Athena, the God of wisdom, influence and interfere with the lives of mortals in ancient Greece.

It shows how after trying every conceivable way to defeat the Trojans, the Spartans came up with a cunning method of getting into the city with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, which the children build and use in the show.

The Trojan Horse – Fall of Troy Script Sample

Additional information


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What you get?

You get

A performance and video licence that is only valid while you continue subscribing

The Script

With stage suggestions

Music Score

Full libretto score

 MP3 tracks

performance backing

 MP3 tracks

backing so your children learn the tunes

Art pack

Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials

Made up of: Main Show Script with Historical Fact Sheets and Art pack – MP3 files with Performance and Backing racks – Libretto Music Score – Performance and Video License – Photocopying License


Music Samples

The Trojan Horse – Fall of Troy  Music Samples

Won’t be our problem

Stuck in a Horse


Cast List

Total Characters. 9 Main Parts, 4 small parts, 4 Trojan Soldiers, 4 Greek Soldiers, 8 Assorted Gods and goddesses. Numbers are flexible.

Main Parts.

Zeus –                                King of the Gods.

Hera –                               Queen of Zeus.

Aphrodite –                    Goddess of Love, daughter of Zeus.

Athena –                           Goddess of Wisdom, daughter of Zeus.

Paris –                               A shepherd who becomes a Trojan prince.

Helen –                              King Menelaus’s wife, a beautiful, mortal woman.

King Menelaus –           King of Sparta.

Odysseus –                       A great Greek warrior.

King Priam –                   The King of Troy.

Smaller Parts.

Spite –                               Goddess of Strife and Discord.

Sinon –                               Greek Soldier, disguised as a slave.

King Menelaus’ Advisor – Advisor to King Menelaus.

Achilles –                          A great Greek warrior.

4 Trojan Soldiers

4 Greek Soldiers

8 Gods & Goddesses

Trojan Citizens

Spartan Citizens


“The Trojan Horse” was excellent, very good.
Tyrella Primary School


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