
The Ancient Olympics


Author: Daniel Dalton – Music: Tim Spencer


The Legend of Callipateira

The Ancient Olympics were part of a five day festival which was held every four years in honour of Zeus, the King of the Gods. Only men were allowed to compete in the Ancient Olympics, girls and unmarried women could attend, but not married women. This is a story based around Pausanias’ original story of Callipateira, one married woman, wanted to go to the Olympic Games to help her son. She put on a false beard and went. On the way we discover the traditions of the games, such as the Olympic Torch and the Olympic Truce.

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What you get?

You get

A performance and video licence that is only valid while you continue subscribing.

The Script

With stage suggestions

Music Score

Full libretto score

 MP3 tracks

performance backing

 MP3 tracks

backing so your children learn the tunes

Art pack

Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials

Complete 50 minute show supplied ready to perform by 15 to 100 children Script (including stage directions) with Historical Fact Sheets and Artpack, CD with Performance and Backing tracks, Libretto Music Score, Lyric ‘n’ Lines CD with script and song words to save copying the scripts or for use with a Whiteboard – Performance and Video License – Photocopying License – Free Delivery within the UK.

Cast List

Total Characters.  7 main parts, 2 other parts, 2 judges, 2 Olympic  guards, 2 Greek men, the torch bearer, 7 villagers, 5 soldiers,  assorted Greek gods, heroes, 10 Olympic crowd. (Numbers are flexible).

Main Parts:

Callipateira – A Greek woman.

Peisirodus – Callipateira’s son.

Aurora – Peisirodus’ female friend, a great gymnast.

Costa – Greek man from same village as Peisirodus.

Alexandria Callipateira’s friend.

Miletos – Great Greek wrestler.

Olympic Steward – Olympic official.

 Other Parts:

Pausanius – Peisirodus’ friend.

Senior judge

2 other judges

2 Olympic guards

2 Greek men

The torch bearer

7 villagers

5 soldiers

Assorted Greek gods, heroes

10 Olympic crowd

Music Samples

The Ancient Olympics Music Samples

Heinous Crime


The Olympic Torch
