
Daedalus & Icarus


Author: Edward King – Music: Katherine Brookes


Their Flight to Freedom


The legend of Daedalus and Icarus is an early Greek legend that illustrates the nature of Greek culture touching on recurrent themes such as heroes on legendary quests, conquests and wars. We meet King Minos, his Queen Pasiphae, his daughter Ariadne and learn what led to Icarus flying too close to the sun.

Daedalus & Icarus Script Sample

Additional information


Digital Download, Physical Hardcopy

What you get?

When you buy you get

The Script

With stage suggestions

Music Score

Full libretto score

 MP3 tracks

performance backing

 MP3 tracks

backing so your children learn the tunes

Art pack

Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials

Complete 50 minute show supplied ready to perform by 15 to 100 children Script (including stage directions) with Historical Fact Sheets and Art pack, MP3 files with Performance and Backing tracks, 12 month Performance and Video License – Photocopying License

Cast List

Total Characters: 8 main parts, 4 small parts, 2 Puppeteers, Guards, Athenians, Sicilians, Cretans, Skeletons & Clouds (numbers are flexible).

Daedalus –                        Blacksmith and inventor. Father of Icarus.

Icarus –                              Son of Daedalus  .

Talos –                               Daedalus’ apprentice.

Areiopagus –                     King of Athens.

Minos –                              King of Crete.

Pasiphae –                        Wife of Minos.

Ariadne –                            Minos’ daughter.

Apollo –                             One of the Greek Gods.

Cocalus –                           King of Camicus in Sicily.

Courtier –                           Minos’ advisor.


Athenian 1 –                      A merchant of Athens.

Athenian 2 –                      A priest of Athens.

Athenian 3 –                      An old peddler woman.


Guard 1 –                           Areiopagus’ bodyguard.

Guard 2 –                           Minos’ bodyguard.

Guard 3 –                           Cocalus’ bodyguard.


Sicilian 1-                          A merchant of Camicus.

Sicilian 2 –                         A priest of Camicus.

Sicilian 3 –                         An old peddler woman.

2 Puppeteers –                  Daedalus & Icarus.

Clouds –                             Clouds in the flying scene.

Skeleton Dancers –           Dancers for labyrinth scene.


(Assorted crowd members: merchants, slaves, priests, townspeople and bodyguards)

Music Samples

Daedalus & Icarus Music Samples


Athens in the Sun



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