
The Ship of Dreams


Author: Anthony James – Music: Tim Spencer


The Voyage of the RMS Titanic

The mighty Titanic, The Ship of Dreams, built by Thomas Andrews, wasone of the largest moving objects ever built, sets sail on her maiden voyage. The passengers revel in her luxury, while waiting ahead in the dark, an unavoidable disaster looms. Although created as a musical this fictional story is accurately based on the historical facts known about the sinking of the Titanic. Complete 50 minute show supplied ready to perform by 15 to 100 children with script, (including stage directions) historical Fact Sheets, Art Pack showing how to make the scenery, costumes and props.


The Ship of Dreams Script Sample


Additional information


Digital Download, Physical Hardcopy

Cast List

Total characters, 7 main parts, 6 passengers, 5 shipbuilders / crew (flexible), assorted passengers (flexible).

Bruce Ismay –                             Director of the White Star Line. (Survivor)

Thomas Andrews –                  The Titanic’s chief builder.  (Lost)

Captain Smith –                        Captain of the Titanic. (Lost)

William Murdoch –                 First Officer of the Titanic. (Lost)

Reginald Lee –                           Titanic lookout. (Survivor)

Frederick Fleet –                      Titanic lookout. (Survivor)

Molly Brown –                           An American First Class passenger. (Survivor)

(Fictional Characters)

First Class Passengers.

Mr Haringey & Mrs Haringey – A wealthy couple, very snobbish.

Second Class Passengers.

Mr Yates, Mrs Yates –              A down-to-earth pair.

Third Class Passengers.

Tilly and Doris –                        Two scruffy urchins travelling in steerage. 

Assorted passengers and crew members.

What you get

You get

A performance and video licence that is only valid while you continue subscribing

The Script

With stage suggestions

Music Score

Full libretto score

 MP3 tracks

performance backing

 MP3 tracks

backing so your children learn the tunes

Art pack

Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials

Made up of: Main Show Script with Historical Fact Sheets and Artpack – MP3 files with Performance and Backing racks – Libretto Music Score – Lyric ‘n’ Lines CD with script and song words to save copying the scripts or for use with a Whiteboard – Performance and Video License – Photocopying License


The Ship of Dreams Music Samples

We Build the Ships

Cold Water

The album is now available on iTunes click below


Parents were weeping at the end as, whilst the company sang The Ship of Dreams, photographs of the victims were projected. To prevent applause immediately after the ending of the song, which somehow seemed inappropriate, the final slide was of a small child that cross-faded into a black slide bearing the word. Silence . . ..  After 15 or 20 seconds, the full lights came up and the cast enjoyed the applause. It was very poignant.?

 Bramcote Junior School