
Athens – The Birth of Democracy


Author: Tony Dalton – Music: Tim Spencer


The Birth of Democracy


Democracy first evolved 2,500 years ago in the city state of Athens. When in 404BC Hippias, the worst possible type of tyrant, did something extraordinary, which was turned by Cleisthenes and later Ephialtes and Pericles into the first democratic state.

Athens, in 50 minutes, tells the remarkable story of how Athenian Democracy evolved.

This musical is enjoyable way to introduce your children to citizenship and why it is so important to vote.

Athens Script Sample

Additional information


Digital Download, Physical Hardcopy

What you get?

You get

A performance and video licence that is only valid while you continue subscribing.

The Script

With stage suggestions

Music Score

Full libretto score

 MP3 tracks

performance backing

 MP3 tracks

backing so your children learn the tunes

Art pack

Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials

Complete 50 minute show supplied ready to perform by 15 to 100 children Script (including stage directions) with Historical Fact Sheets and Art pack, MP3 file with Performance and Backing tracks, Libretto Music Score, 12 month Performance and Video License

Cast List

Total Characters. 18 main parts, 1 clerk to the Council, any number of crowd, council men and patrons of the pub. (Numbers are flexible).

Olympia News Organisation Reporters:

Kirsty –                                          A Presenter

Zoe –                                                 A Presenter

Kate Adieus –                              A Reporter

Iona Fish –                                   A Weather Reporter

Prof Aristides –                            An Expert

Peisirodus –                                 A Sports Reporter


Advisor –                                       Advisor to Hippias

Hippias –                                       The Tyrant

General –                                       The General

Cleisthenes (Cle-s-th-a-nes) – An Aristocrat of Athens

Ephialtes –                                    An Athenian Politician

Pericles –                                       An Athenian Politician

Carpus –                                        A Merchant

Herodion –                                     A Merchant

Medus –                                         The Landlord

Kallipos –                                      A Councilman of Athens

Pericles –                                       A Citizen of Athens

Anaxos –                                    Chairman of the Council

Extra Parts:

Clerk to the Council, crowd, council men, patrons of the pub.

Music Samples

Athens Music Samples


The Deselection Samba



On Wednesday we put on our musical, titled “Athens – The birth of Democracy”.
It was a very successful show. The audience was thrilled, and most importantly
the children who participated were very happy.
Olga Kafasla, Athens Greece


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